In-house graphic design at Andiata
Graphic design | Digital design | Digital marketing E-commerce | Print design | Web design | Photography
Working over a year in Andiata's in-house marketing team took me to tasks from big print materials such as window back-drops and stickers to variety of digital designs like updating webstore, designing newsletters, animating social media adds and planning marketing with the rest of the marketing team.

All images on this page are photographed by me. I attentended the Spring/Summer 2021 collection photoshoot to assist with the clothes as well as photographing behind the scene and extra images while the photographer worked on the official catalogue images.
I have also been taking product images for the webstore of clothes that were not photographed at the official photoshoots. You can find my product images from AW19 collection to SS21 collection.

My illustrations have been used on digital marketing channels from web store to social media and newsletters as well as printed advertisement on magazines.
The Andiata pattern designed by me has been embroided to the lining of SS21 coats. My illustrations have also been printed on clothes like Malvolia shirt seen on AW20 collection and SS21 samples.
Web design
My daily tasks included updating the web store's banners, images and other visual contents, but bigger projects were executed with our e-commerce manager and developer.
One of these projects were redesigning the product page as well as the size chart and shopping bag. I provided the designs and communicated with the developer together with our e-commerce manager.
I also designed layouts for web store's automatic emails and gift card page.